Dmitry Alekseev

Data Engineer & Big Data Specialist

About Me


I am a passionate Data Engineer with experience in designing and implementing data pipelines, developing ETL processes, and creating data warehouse architectures. I have skills in working with modern technologies that ensure the reliability and efficiency of data processing.

I graduated with a Bachelor degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics and currently work as a Data Analyst at Lime HD. In my current role, I go beyond the standard responsibilities of a data analyst and take on a wide range of tasks characteristic of a Data Engineer:

My experience includes:

With over a year of experience working in an accredited IT company, I am constantly looking for ways to improve processes, automate workflows, and implement new technologies to enhance efficiency. Working with cross-functional teams, I provide analytical insights that help make data-driven decisions and contribute to the growth and success of the organization.

I strive to further develop my expertise in data analysis and engineering, explore new technologies and approaches, and maximize my contribution to creating reliable and scalable solutions. In my understanding, a modern Data Engineer is a technical specialist responsible for the data lifecycle: from collection and processing to providing analytical tools. This role requires knowledge of programming, big data, infrastructure management, and ensuring data quality. This is the direction I aim to grow in, focusing on building efficient, reliable, and scalable solutions that deliver real value to businesses.

Я увлечённый Data Engineer с опытом проектирования и реализации конвейеров данных, разработки ETL-процессов и создания архитектур хранилищ данных. Имею навыки работы с современными технологиями, позволяющими обеспечивать надёжность и эффективность обработки данных.

Окончил университет по направлению "Прикладная математика и информатика" и в настоящее время работаю аналитиком данных в компании Лайм Эйч Ди. На текущей позиции моя роль выходит за рамки стандартных обязанностей аналитика данных и охватывает широкий спектр задач, характерных больше для инженера данных:

Мой опыт включает:

Имея более года опыта работы в аккредитованной ИТ-компании, нахожусь в постоянном поиске способов улучшения процессов, их автоматизации и внедрения новых технологий для повышения эффективности. Работая с межфункциональными командами, я предоставляю аналитические данные, которые помогают принимать решения, способствующие росту и развитию организации.

Cтремлюсь к дальнейшему развитию в области анализа и инженерии данных, изучению новых технологий и подходов, чтобы вносить максимальный вклад в создание надёжных и масштабируемых решений. Таким образом, в моём понимании, современный Data Engineer — это технический специалист, обеспечивающий жизненный цикл данных: от их сбора и обработки до предоставления аналитических инструментов. Его работа требует знаний программирования, работы с большими данными, управления инфраструктурой и обеспечения качества данных. Именно в этом направлении вижу своё профессиональное развитие, стремясь создавать эффективные, надёжные и масштабируемые решения, которые приносят реальную пользу бизнесу.

Skills & Tools


Data Cleaning & Processing, ETL, Automation, API Development & Integration (Building RESTful APIs using FastAPI and integrating third-party APIs with requests and aiohttp, Modeling (Predictive and descriptive models), Statistical Analysis, Writing efficient scripts for data manipulation and task automation

Data Engineering

Data Pipelines: Building and optimizing ETL/ELT pipelines
Data Warehousing: Designing scalable architectures for the preparation of reports and business analysis to support decision-making in the organization


Creating detailed documentation for data solutions, standardizing workflows and ensuring maintainable processes Versioning and managing documentation using tools like Confluence, Notion, or Git

Data Visualization

Designing interactive and real-time dashboards using Grafana, Yandex DataLens, ReDash, etc.; Creating insightful and customizable visualizations (Matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn, HighCharts JS); Reporting Tools (Generating automated and presentation-ready reports with Pandas Styler, openpyxl, ReportLab)


Relational & Analytics Databases: MySQL, Postgres (Query Optimization, ProxySQL, Backup & Restore) ClickHouse (Columnar Storage, High-Speed OLAP Queries, Distributed Clusters, Real-Time Analytics); NoSQL: Redis(In-Memory Key-Value)

Machine Learning

Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Deep Learning (TensorFlow, Keras), Hyperparameter Tuning, Feature Engineering (Extracting and transforming features), Time-Series Analysis, Ensemble Methods (Combining models with stacking, bagging, and boosting techniques for robust predictions), Model Deployment


Containerization & Orchestration (Docker, docker-compose for building, deploying, and managing containerized applications at scale), CI/CD Integration, Monitoring (Zabbix, Prometheus, Grafana), Version Control (gitlab)

Linux / Bash

Service Management (systemd), Logs & Diagnostics (journalctl), User Management, Permissions, Process Monitoring (top, htop, ps), Scheduling Tasks (cron, systemd timer), Networking (iptables, ip, netstat), File System Management

Apache Airflow

Workflow Scheduling & Orchestration (Designing, scheduling, and orchestrating complex data workflows), DAG Management (Building, maintaining, and optimizing Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) for efficient workflow execution), Deployment and Configuring Airflow for distributed execution using Celery

Soft Skills & Collaboration

Effectively communicating with analysts to translate business requirements into technical solutions; Collaborating with database administrators to optimize database performance and ensure data integrity; Working with DevOps teams to maintain data infrastructure stability; Partnering with backend developers to design scalable solutions and integrate APIs for seamless data flow; Facilitating cross-team collaboration to align on goals, streamline workflows, and deliver good results

Observability Tools

ELK Stack: ElasticSearch (Full-Text Search), Logstash (data ingestion pipelines, parsing logs), Kibana (Data Visualization & Dashboards); Zabbix: Monitoring System Performance, Metrics Collection Prometheus: Collecting and querying metrics using PromQL for application and infrastructure performance monitoring; Grafana: Configuring alerts and thresholds for proactive monitoring

Tools & Technologies Stack

NumPy / Pandas
Matplotlib Highcharts
Keras / TensorFlow

Data Pipeline Flow

API Web scraping Logs Cleaning & Validation Data Lake / Raw Data Transform & Aggregations Data Warehouse / Data Mart Analytics & BI ML Models Dashboards Visualizations

Professional Experience


Data Analyst / Data Engineer - Lime HD

2024 - Present

• Designed and implemented full-scale ETL/ELT pipelines for data integration and transformation from various sources, including APIs, databases, and web scraping.

• Built and maintained infrastructure for data processing and monitoring using tools such as Grafana, Prometheus, and ClickHouse.

• Automated data workflows with scripts (Python, Bash) and Docker containers, improving efficiency and reliability of daily operations.

• Developed dashboards to visualize critical technical and business metrics, enabling informed decision-making.

Data Analyst - Lime HD

2023 - 2024

• Conducted exploratory data analysis (EDA) to identify key trends and insights, supporting various business needs.

• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate and standardize data from multiple sources for unified reporting.

• Provided actionable analytics to support decision-making and process optimization within the analytics department.



Master Mathematical cybernetics 01.04.02

ChuvSU named after I. N. Ulyanov | 2023 - 2025

Bachelor Applied mathematics and computer science 01.03.02

ChuvSU named after I. N. Ulyanov | 2019 - 2023

Certificate of English Proficiency - B2 (Upper Intermediate)

View Certificate | Awarded on: 31 Aug 2022

Diploma I Degree

International Student Scientific Conference on Technical, Humanitarian, and Natural Sciences

Scientific work: "Modeling Short-Term Inflation Forecasts" in the section "Mathematical Models in Economics and Numerical Analysis". | 2023

Certificate in Business Analysis

View Certificate | 2022


Interested in discussing a project, collaboration or hiring me?

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